Looking to improve your self-defense skills and overall fitness? At DuPage WingTsun, we offer group classes taught by experienced instructors. Try our commitment free trial of WingTsun today by clicking this button, and experience the benefits of this martial art for yourself!
Wing Tsun
Weekly Classes

FOUNDATIONS Classes (age 14+)
Mon. & Wed 6:30-7:30pm
At DuPage WingTsun, we understand that the beginning steps are vital to mastering the art of Wing Tsun. Our foundations class is designed to teach the basic structure, footwork, and coordination to all levels of students, but especially beginners. This class is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to get started with WingTsun and build a strong foundation for their training.

All Levels Class (Age 14+)
Mon. & Wed. 7:30-8:30 pm
Take your WingTsun training to the next level with our All Levels class at DuPage WingTsun. Our All Levels class is open to beginners, intermediate students, and advanced students, and it’s the perfect way to put your foundations training into practice. Best of all, when you attend our foundations class on the same day, the all levels class is included for free. Join us and improve your skills in a supportive environment!